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Evangelizing Catholics

Dr. Scott Hahn

In this informative and dynamic presentation, Dr. Scott Hahn discusses why the New Evangelization is the greatest priority of the Church at this time, and how we are all called to share our faith. He shows how the Eucharist relates to explaining Jesus' death and resurrection, and how Blessed John Paul II's called for a New Evangelization must be based on the Eucharist.

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Customer Comments

"The best information that I have heard on the New Evangelization and what it means to us!" Charlie - Hunt Valley, MD
Having heard this talk a couple of times I realize how fortunate I am to be a Catholic! Yet I have so much more to learn to continue to grow and to be better equipped to lead others to Christ. Thank you Dr. Hahn for explaining the New Evangelization in terms that I can understand and act on! Ana - St. Catharines, ON
This talk by Scott Hahn made me realize how important it is to be a "messenger for Christ's Truth". This is the message of Pentecost which we just celebrated! I bought 20 copies of this talk to share with family and different groups within my Church (RCIA, Confirmation, Men's Bible Study, etc.) Audrey - Bayboro, NC
What benefited me was the information Dr. Hahn taught is not only for Catholics, but for all Christians. This is Jesus' Great Commission given to us in Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8. This is both a great reminder and encouragement. Thank you so very much! David - Enterprise, AL
It brought new knowledge to me about the Eucharist and the New Testament. Charles - Fayetteville, NC
I loved the inspiration that we can all evangelize through sharing our thoughts, understanding and other things we learn as we grow in our faith. Meghan - Los Alamitos, CA
I have now listened to this talk twice and have been reading Consuming the Word by Dr Hahn. I need to listen read, listen read to get the full meaning and am so glad to have both resources. Dr Hahn's enthusiasm is so exciting, it gets me excited for something I often take for granted. Ellen - St Cloud, MN
I loved: -The historical background on how the "New Evangelization" came to be, and JPII's call at WYD in Denver because it was 500 years after the discovery of the new world -The Eucharistic centered evangelization, it took a basic Gospel presentation and brought it one step further and was backed up by explaining the Eucharist and the last supper and how Jesus didn't lose His life at Calvary because He gave it away at the Last Supper -It got me so fired up about evangelization Deborah - Batavia, IL
Historically well put the meaning of eucharist and evangelization by Mr. Scott Hahn. I was amazed at how he made sense of the new covenant or New testament that is the Eucharist and how we need to evangelize specially the far away catholics to do this by means of the gospel and the actions of how we live our lives. Veronica - Waterloo, ON
I learned more about the history of evangelizing Catholics than I knew before Carol - Dove Canyon, CA
I really enjoyed the history of the popes and how it just makes sense for Catholics' evangelizing to be Eucharistic. SC
I loved the historical perspective of his talk. I have found that by going back to the history of the subject it helps to better understand how it applies. I wish I was neighbors with the Hahn family. bryan - Okemos, MI
Evangelize the Eucharistic Christ aspect is of utmost importance. Catholic evangelization is not just a personal relationship with God, but alot more. .... whole talk very interesting. Renee - Perham, MN
What I liked was the depth of the explanations of bible storiesand how they related to the Eucharist, deep theology of the Eucharist, what the "New Testament" really means. I was educated with the references to Pope Paul the sixth and what he said about future evangelization efforts being more, in my terms, witness as much as it is to be teaching doctrinal truths. This has been in my heart and now he has validated this is really the best way to evangelize; the telling of our own experiences. This was one of my favorites in your series of which I have many. This went really deep and I loved it. I love all your publications but this one was extra good. I will take the truths I learned here and they will affect how I evangelize from here on out. I have had many great teachers in my quest to learn more and more about our Catholic Faith. I was thinking however how wonderful it is I can have access to such a great teacher like Scott and the many others you have. God bless you all, Dan Dan - Big Lake, MN
It not only taught me much about the New Evangelization but it also helped me better understand my role in it. Mark - 56560, MN
Clear, conscious and timely. Excellent supplement and companion reading for Pope Francis' recently published exhortation on the "Joy of The Gospel." Deacon John - New Baden , IL
Scott Hahn and many other of the contributers make an often complicated or confusing topic simpler and clearer to understand. What I really like is that they use church doctine along with scriptural content to support their teachings. Lighthouse makes learning and strengthening of faith convenient in such a busy world. I never thought I would be comfortable evangelizing, but sharing books and CDS makes it a whole lot easier. And lastly, when I sometimes get lost in my own faith, God brings me back around through one of your CDS. The topic always seems to be relevant to the current situation. Thanks and God Bless you all! William - Roscoe, IL
we have gained a deeper understanding of the Eucharist. We have much more confidence and understanding of Evangelization and that we too can reach out and share our faith more with our family to invite them back to celebrate the Eucharist and the healing and love that Jesus offers to all. After listening to a few of Lighthouse CDs we have decided to read the New Testament from beginning to end. Listening to the CDs we have purchased has been an at home retreat for us. Robert & Triah Robert - Woodcroft, SA
A comment a non-Catholic friend of mine brought up to me was addressed exactly in this CD. I couldn't respond in detail so I am anxious to give her a copy and pray that she will return to the Catholic Church Littleton, CO
Very educational and informative. Nancy - East Stroudsburg, PA
This talk is a great reminder of our mission of spreading God's words and works in many various ways...truly simple yet powerful means! Lilibeth - Abu Dhabi
Wonderful scripturally based information on Catholic Social teaching. It's one of the best I have heard. Thanks. Denny Dennis
The explanation of the sacrament of the Eucharist. Maxine - Littleton , CO
The amazing statement: "The new testament was a sacrament long before it became a document ACCORDING TO THE DOCUMENT." Mainerd - Cheviot, OH