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How To Keep Your Kids Catholic

Ken Hensley

In a heartfelt and truly practical presentation, former Baptist minister Ken Hensley reveals effective strategies to help keep our kids within the fold of the Catholic Church. Drawing on personal experience and centuries of Catholic spiritual wisdom, he shares timeless, real-world advice we can readily use. His insights set us on the road to more effective and successful parenting.

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Family & Parenting


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Awesome! It reinforced what I knew and added some wisdom and understanding on suffering. I want to order 5-10 of these CDs to hand out to my family and friends. Mary - Freedom, WI

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Customer Comments

I wish I had this CD 40 years ago! I think every Catholic family and school should have a copy! Patricia - Dunnellon, FL
It helped me realize so much about the way I am seen by my children and the things I need to change. Thank you! Diana - Austin, TX
The examples that were given were very beneficial, as was the practical advice. Sarah - Fredericksburg, VA
I am very interested in talks for parents. This is what struck my interest. Andrea - Mobile, AL
Beneficial because he showed a lot of perseverance in his relationship with his daughter. It was nice to hear that she was coming into the Church. I like that because it helps to hear success stories and to know they are out there. John - Merriam, KS
As new Catholic parents, we really appreciate the very practical aspects of the talk and hope to apply it to our family. Karl - Saskatoon, SK
Guidance on how to help our children not to drift away from our faith. Jose - Humble, TX
I liked being able to relate to the personal stories he shared. It was inspiring and let me know what I need to be doing more of in order to accomplish "Keeping my kids Catholic." Patti - Arkansas City, KS
Plain and simple dialogue that I could use to discuss things with my daughter. I really want her to remain in the Faith and need all the help in a completely secular world. Don D - Columbia, SC